Resources Hub
This page is your comprehensive destination for all the study materials and resources you need to excel in your Praxis exams. Explore the resources below to get started on your journey to success.
Elementary Education Multiple Subjects (5001; subtests 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005) now (7001; subtest 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005) However, you can still use 5001 study material!
English Language Arts: Content and Analysis (5039)
General Science (5436)
Mathematics (5165)
Social Studies Content Knowledge (5081)
Biology (5236)
Coming soon...
Principles of Learning and Teaching (5621, 5622, 5623, 5624, 5625)
PLT Early Childhood (5621):
PLT K-6 (5622):
Study Guide (Google Doc)
PLT 5-7(5623):
Study Guide (Google Doc)
PLT 7-12 (5624):
Study Guide (Google Doc)
PLT PreK-12 (5625):
Study Guide (Google Doc)
Special Education(5543, 5355)
Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354)
Special Education: Foundational Knowledge (5543)
coming soon....
Music Education (5113)
Coming soon...
Health and Physical Education (5852)
Administrative and Instructional Support
Coming soon...
Still need help?
Feel free to send me an email at or schedule a meeting with me using this link: